Saturday, September 13, 2008

Leroy Powell & The Messengers and surprise guest Duane Betts!

4th St. felt more like Atlanta, GA as Leroy Powell and The Messengers took over. Featuring blazing twin guitar leads they raised the confederate flag over Santa Monica as Leroy brought the party home, and hell-yeah! was the packed sweaty house appreciative!

Duane Betts, son of Dickey Betts took the stage on several numbers, where he shredded solo and joined in with the band, becoming part of a guitar army,  jamming triumphantly (see video below). Rumor has it these guys are local, but they sounded pretty southern-fried to me!

Tonight it's Dennis Jones' birthday party! Should be a blast!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Tomorrow : Dennis Jones' Birthday Party!

Partytime in Santa Monica on a Saturday night! It's axeman Dennis Jones' b-day. Come celebrate! 

The place is sure to be packed with Mr. Jones' friends, family and fans. Dennis will be playing his electric blues, and I'm sure a couple of Hendrix tunes. 

Count me in!

Tonight it's  - the twin guitar southern-fried blues of Leroy Powell And The Messengers!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Gary Myrick Talks In Stereo

Gary Myrick ripped it up, bringing the party to 4th a big way. His band Gary Myrick's Guitarista is kinda rockabilly, kinda bluesy and completely rockin'! The crowd agreed as they stayed on their feet through out the night dancing. The band, which features Jeff Page on drums and Tom Felicetta on bass, played rock classics and originals, including the hit "She Talks In Stereo". It should be noted that Myrick is an incredibly talented guitarist, playing many different styles.

The stage was crowded with people having a good time - a wholesome young singer named Danielle joined in enthusiastically on many of the songs and the Guitarista Go-Go Girls - Harmony & Day Day - danced non-stop in teeny bikinis through every one of the band's songs. The first few rows of people were obviously hypnotized by the girls' moves and stamina!