Ryan Cross introduced the ultra cool soul singer Nikki Grier to an enthusiastic crowd at Harvelle's Tuesday Soulfunk 2 weeks ago. While headliner Judith Hill took a short break, Nikki took the stage and showed up to sing! Her performance of "Love Is Stronger Than Pride" brought the house down!
Graciously she invited Judith back onstage to do some side-by-side vocalizing and competitive "add-a-note" jamming. Once again, as often happens at Harvelle's, the audience totally won!!! (See video below.)
Also featured tonight - DJ Vicious Lee on the 1's and 2's. Vicious is the DJ at Harvelle's insanely popular Sunday night Toledo Show. Vicious is known to keep the dance floor beyond packed, and he knows which crates to dig into.
Big shout-out to Ryan Cross for bringing the talent to the people.
Keep it coming!