Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ray Bailey : Dazzling with Brilliance

If like me, you were unable to make bluesman/guitarist Ray Bailey's show last night - here's a couple of videos of Ray at Harvelle's back in January with James Gadson on drums, bassist Kevin Brandon, and Ed Neal on the organ. (Recorded by George Radai on January 8th, 2010)

Don't miss him next time!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Koffeehouse Rules

First Thursdays mean one thing : Koffeehouse night at Club Harvelles.

I would define Koffeehouse night as a singer/songwriter's paradise. While the doors swing open around 7, several stalwart ernest musicians line-up to perform at the "open mic" portion of the evening. A kudos to this portion of the show's Rick Cornette, who impressed me with his singing voice.

Shortly following, a series of more established acts - acts that stretch the boundries of the genre - performed. Sets by Nikki & Rich, Chris Accardo, Red Arrow Messenger and Frentik's Emily Jaye were warmly received by the lively crowd.

Photos :
from top - Emily Jaye of Frentik, Nikki & Rich, Chris Accardo and Red Arrow Messenger.
below - Anastacia Roark, the night's awesome emcee.

- Posted live from Harvelle's using BlogPress & the Hipstamatic photo app for the iPhone

Location:4th St,Santa Monica,United States