While the band Vintage Trouble conquered the UK, singer Brenna Whitaker took Trouble Tuesday in a different direction. Jazzing and blues-ing, she commanded the packed house who responded in kind.
Well... guess who's back?
Brenna will be at Harvelle's Friday - April 1 (I feel journalistically obligated to say that this is no joke). I encourage all who are unfamiliar with her, to come check her out.
...and for a whole 'nother vibe, the owners of Trouble Tuesday - the mighty Vintage Trouble - will be playing Saturday night!! Their Saturday night shows at Harvelle's are legendary, so this is gonna be a hot one. Vintage Trouble is blowing up bigtime and gearing up for their second trip to the UK in May, this time as support for (Queen guitarist) Brian May's tour. UK readers take note!!