Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Double Trouble : The legions are growing

Ty Taylor on the mic - Rick on the bass

It's the place to be on a Tuesday night. While the rest of you sub-urbanites plug in, turn on and cop out, the cool people are dancing the night away with wild abandon and the soundtrack is provided by Vintage Trouble. The guys have just released their first album entitled "The Bomb Shelter Sessions" <--Click to get it from iTunes!
Richard on drums - Rick on the bass
Nalle - lead guitar
Richard on drums

Tonight's "Trouble Tuesday" started off with the acoustic soul music of Kandace Lindsey. Backed by a trio of exceptional players, KL let her voice do the talking (hehe). She has a new EP coming out in a couple of weeks. It's called "Acoustic Fire". <--Click to get it from iTunes!
She always brings joy whenever I've seen her. Brilliant!


Congrats to Charlie Brumbly of Vintage Trouble on the birth of his baby. One more (soon to be) VT fan on the planet.

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This entry posted live from Harvelle's using BlogPress & the iPhone Hipstamatic photo app

Location:4th St,Santa Monica,United States

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