Friday, June 4, 2010

The Koffeehouse Rules

First Thursdays mean one thing : Koffeehouse night at Club Harvelles.

I would define Koffeehouse night as a singer/songwriter's paradise. While the doors swing open around 7, several stalwart ernest musicians line-up to perform at the "open mic" portion of the evening. A kudos to this portion of the show's Rick Cornette, who impressed me with his singing voice.

Shortly following, a series of more established acts - acts that stretch the boundries of the genre - performed. Sets by Nikki & Rich, Chris Accardo, Red Arrow Messenger and Frentik's Emily Jaye were warmly received by the lively crowd.

Photos :
from top - Emily Jaye of Frentik, Nikki & Rich, Chris Accardo and Red Arrow Messenger.
below - Anastacia Roark, the night's awesome emcee.

- Posted live from Harvelle's using BlogPress & the Hipstamatic photo app for the iPhone

Location:4th St,Santa Monica,United States

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