Monday, August 23, 2010

The Toledo Show : Family's Running Deep

This is Toledo Diamond
This is Jessie Payo
That's Tom McNalley backing up Toledo
Walter Davis with unknown Dame

Like some kind of Ambien™ hazed Bootsy Collins nightmare-on-wax, The Toledo Show peeled itself back - like a royal purple onion - revealing family, friends and funk; spectacularly - Harvelle's darling Jessie Payo reuniting with Mr Toledo Diamond himself front and center; familiarly - the return of the forever vocals of Rachel Lynn to So Cal; and funkily - the knock-down drag-out rhythm section of Brian Allen on bass plus (any and all drummers including Asa Watkins &) Punky!! (also of note: the appearance onstage of SoulFunk vet, guitarist Tom McNalley).

Toledo and Jessie reunited
That's Rachel Lynn
(Come check her out solo on Wednesday night before House Of Vibe)

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